Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey, there are termites in here!!

Discovery is half the fun.  And so far it's been a lot of fun.  We've discovered that beneath some of the sheetrock walls were vertical T&G boards.  Some were painted, some were left bare.  We don't know how long before they were covered, that's the forensics part and we're still working that out.  Also we discovered that there were two additional windows in the living room that were eliminated somewhere along the way.  We will probably restore those, as it will work well for the future use of the space as a retail shop (stained glass display).  Now we're uncovering the original flooring.  It was pine strip flooring and most of it spent it's entire career covered by carpet or by plywood - in other words, after it is sanded and finished, it will look gooood.  We've also started stripping the roof and have decided that we will restore the south side to its original wood shingles...well new wood shingles, but we'll duplicate the original rather than the updated version, which was twice covered with "asphalt" shingles - all without benefit of removal of the layer below.  Leaking over the years has resulted in considerable rot and creation of termite and ant habitat.  But that's no problem for a restoration carpenter.  Carol has been in doing demo for a few hours every day for a couple of weeks now - much of the progress we see is due to her tireless wielding of hammer and flatbar.  You Go Carol!

This is one of the board walls we found - you can see one section was painted a cool blue:

This pic shows the south wall with an old window opening (closed in) to the right.  We'll restore that to its original.

1 comment:

  1. That is a potentially beautiful house. I can't wait to see the changes that you will make. Thanks for putting the pictures up.
