Monday, June 14, 2010

DONE!! .... well, not quite....

Anyone who knows the blog world will have recognized the signs of blogger's fatigue in the extended periods between my posts.  In fact, it is not so much blogger's fatigue, as builder's fatigue.  Ok, so what's really happening here?...we are doing this project on a really really tight budget.  Frankly, as a professional builder, I would have turned myself away if I had come to see me with a proposal for this project and this budget.

About the time of that last post we had to set our crew adrift and between that time and when we opened for business on May 23 (the weekend before Memorial Day), I had worked 60 and 70 hour weeks on this project, seven days a week, and I have to admit it took a toll.

'nuff said,, the good news:  Well, just look at this picture and what more do you need to see?  Opening Day in our new place!

We still have some work to do to have the apartment in livable condition, but we're getting there.  If you drive by, you'll see that we don't have all of the windows restored yet - that's next on the list.  Thanks to John Ivy and David Senseney for helping us get our hands on the right sash...that's a story unto itself - in short, we should have looked locally to start with.  And thanks also to Nancy Leach for landscaping guidance.

We have about half of a kitchen and that's coming along too.  Bath is done (except for a window that will be done soon).  Then there's work bringing the stairs up to code, doors to restore and hang, crown molding and baseboard throughout and window and door casings to small amount of work, but on the other hand, we've done so much that what's left doesn't feel like a burden - just a to-do list that'll get done soon enough.

Stop in anytime, we love to show off.